Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Value of Doing Site Surveys for Tents

The Value of Doing a Site Survey for Tents – Part 1

As part of our exceptional package of tent services, Elite Tents offers our clients a free site survey with tent rental.  But, what is the value of doing a site survey for tents?  In this two part blog, we’ll highlight the benefits of site surveys not only for safety but also to enhance communications between the client and the tent rental company.


A site survey includes a comprehensive environmental check including grounds, utilities, and other features of the location of your event.  It is an extremely important process that allows us to address any potential hazards (consider overhead obstructions) while ensuring the safety of our staff and your guests.  Plus, a site survey is essential to ensure the proper installation of tents and equipment for your event.

The Value of Doing a Site Survey for Tents – Part 2

As a follow-up to our previous blog, the value of doing a site survey for tents extends beyond safety.  Indeed, a site survey represents an excellent opportunity to develop effective communication.  The professional staff at Elite Tents will conduct a comprehensive site survey wherein the inspector will highlight safety concerns but can also make suggestions and recommendations for tent location and features depending on the nature and location of your event.  Moreover, the site survey allows the client to communicate their specific needs and to adapt those needs depending on environmental conditions.

In short, the site survey allows the client and the rental company to carefully consider event needs and tent safety so that your event goes off without a hitch.  Plus, when you work with Elite Tents, the site survey is included so there’s nothing to lose.